Save Your Gums With Gum Disease Treatment in Highland, MI

Bacteria can take up residence on your gums and cause a number of problems. However, gum disease treatment in Highland, MI at Highland Advanced Dental Care will keep you smiling brightly. Dr. LoCascio can treat your gums in our office to:

  • Reduce levels of harmful bacteria in your mouth
  • Give you healthier, cleaner gums
  • Help prevent other serious health problems linked to periodontal disease, such as heart disease
  • Improve your breath
  • Give you more confidence to speak up
  • Help prevent further dental problems, including tooth loss

Get your smile back on track! Call our experienced team today at 248-329-3552 for your appointment. We offer hours as late as 7 p.m. for your convenience.

Restore Your Oral Health With Our Periodontal Treatment Options

Regular teeth cleanings and exams along with daily brushing and flossing are the best ways to prevent gum disease. When necessary, however, we will recommend one or more options to treat gum disease and protect your smile:

  • Root Planing and Scaling – This deep cleaning treatment purges bacteria from your gums. We use specialized instruments to gently but thoroughly clean your teeth, getting underneath the gumline to reach hidden bacteria.
  • Perio Protect® – This system uses trays that hold a special medicinal gel that attacks bacteria. You wear the Perio Protect trays for a few minutes each day. Soon bacteria will be gone.
  • Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique – Gum recession surgery may be required if advanced gum disease has caused your gums to recede. Dr. LoCascio is one of the few Michigan dentists who can perform this modern treatment to quickly and painlessly move gum tissue back where it belongs.

Protect Yourself From Gum Disease

Symptoms of gum disease can be difficult to spot, especially in its early stages. Here are some common signs of periodontal disease:

  • Gums that are red, tender, or swollen
  • Gums that bleed after brushing and flossing
  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • Gums that are starting to move away from the teeth
  • Teeth that are loose

Each patient is different. It’s possible that you could have gum disease without having any of these symptoms. That’s why Dr. LoCascio always does a thorough exam when you come in for your regular checkup.

Protect your gorgeous smile through gum disease treatment in Highland. Call us today at 248-329-3552 to schedule an appointment.