Fix Damaged Teeth With Emergency Dental Care

When your smile is suffering and also you’re in pain, you require a dental professional prepared to take on the challenge of repairing your smile. That’s exactly what you’ll discover at Highland Advanced Dental Care. Our team is composed of skilled, experienced dentists and thoughtful staff members who will provide you the most effective dental experience possible.

When you’re in pain, you might be extra distressed than usual. If so, we can carry out sedation before your procedure to calm you as well as relax your nerves. We’ll also go at your pace and answer any kind of concerns you have regarding your dental care. We want to ensure you’re as relaxed as possible.

When you come in for your dental emergency, we’ll examine you and also suggest any restorative or other types of dental care to stop your discomfort and get your smile back on the right track. Below are a few types of dental emergencies we commonly deal with, in addition to actions you can take before you get to our office:

  • Tooth pain— Rinse your mouth with warm water, after that use ice or a cold compress to your cheek to help reduce swelling as well as discomfort.
  • Cracked or Broken Tooth– Use ice to relieve pain as well as swelling, as well as bring any broken pieces with you.
  • Knocked-Out Tooth— Pick up the tooth by the crown (visible part in your smile), as well as put it in a container of milk, saltwater, or saliva. Bring it to the office with you.
  • Lost Filling– Place a touch of dental cement where the dental filling was as a non permanent solution.
  • Soft-Tissue Injury– Use gauze or a damp tea bag to end any type of bleeding to your cheek, lips, gum tissues, or tongue.
  • Loose Crown— Use dental cement or tooth paste to the inside of the crown, and try to put it back into place. Bring it with you if it will not stay in place.
  • Loose or Broken Dental Appliance– Dental wax or gauze can help you to keep any soft edges from annoying your mouth.

When time is important, visit a skilled emergency dentist in Holly. Call Highland Advanced Dental Care now at 248-329-3552 for an appointment. For non-emergencies, you can also request an appointment online.