Avoid Dental Damage With Professional Mouthguards

You may not have ever thought much about mouth protection, but if you play sports or grind your teeth, then you should. Using custom mouthguards, we can protect your smile from damage that could otherwise have been avoided.

Over the course of his long dental career, Dr. LoCascio has seen a lot of dental damage. Far too often, athletes have come into our office with loose or knocked-out teeth. However, if these athletes had taken time to wear mouth protection, they could have avoided this damage, as well as the pain that goes along with it.

We’ve crafted custom-fit mouthguards for many athletes in the community. Did you know that the American Dental Association says that athletes who don’t wear mouth protection are 60 times more likely to suffer dental damage than those who do?

If you or your child participate in any sport that involves a flying object, frequent stopping or changes in direction, or contact with other players, then you should invest in a professionally made mouthguard. It could save you a great deal of hassle and headache down the road.

We also make mouthguards that will eliminate bruxism, or teeth grinding. Many of our patients grind their teeth in their sleep without even being aware of it. However, we often spot damage from teeth grinding during routine checkups. Getting a custom-made mouthguard to wear while sleeping can help you avoid dental damage. You’ll also avoid the restorative dental care needed to repair this damage.

Your bruxism mouthguard will fit comfortably in your mouth while you sleep. It will keep your teeth apart so that you can’t grind them. You’ll keep your teeth intact, avoid dental damage, and possibly even have fewer headaches, as teeth grinding is a major cause of tension headaches.

Call us today for mouthguards in Brighton: 248-329-3552. Keep your smile intact!