Make Certain Your Smile Receives the Surgical Service it Requires

Throughout any oral trouble, our very first objective is to get you out of pain. When you visit Highland Advanced Dental Care, we make comfort a concern constantly, which reveals we are prepared to resolve your suffering rapidly.

With dental sedation, you can resolve pain and ease your mind quickly. We offer oral sedation and soothing features to help you really feel totally unwinded throughout your treatment.

When we have actually ensured your comfort, we can focus on finding the excellent fix to repair your smile. We offer numerous kinds of oral surgery and various other services, including:

  • Tooth Extractions– In some cases the damage to your teeth is too much to recover it. When it’s required, we can manage tooth extraction.
  • All-on-4® Implants– We can give you a full arch of fixed replacement teeth using only four dental implants, and you can even walk out the same day with functional temporaries.
  • Gum Recession Surgery— Bounce back from periodontal infection and become a candidate for dental implants, save your natural teeth, and restore healthy gum tissue.
  • Dental Implants— If you do require teeth removed, you need to receive the greatest teeth replacements possible. Implants restore the roots of your lost tooth, so your reconstructions can be strong, secure, and stable.

We can help you maintain your healthy smile with our numerous preventive solutions and general dentistry as soon as we have actually handled your problem. If you need an oral surgeon in Harland, call Highland Advanced Dental Care 248-329-3552 to schedule your treatment. You can also request an appointment online.