Your gums are supposed to cover the roots of your teeth. And when you smile, people should be able to see a little bit of your gums. When your gums start to recede, however, bigger problems could be ahead if you don’t take steps to repair the damage. Using the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique, Dr. LoCascio has saved the gums of many area patients.
Dr. LoCascio was the first Michigan general dentist to be trained in the Chao technique. With this innovative gum recession surgery in Highland, he can:
● Restore your gums to health without a scalpel or sutures.● Beautify your smile and increase your confidence.● Shorten your recovery time over more invasive gum surgery.● Reduce your sensitivity to heat and cold.● Help you prevent serious infection in your gums.
If your gums are receding, call Highland Advanced Dental Care today. Our office is located at 2950 East Highland Road, not far from Duck Lake Pines Park.