Tired of snoring? Been hearing complaints from your sleeping partner? That’s just the beginning of the problems caused if you have sleep apnea in Highland. A quick evaluation in our dentist's office can protect you, so don’t delay! Sleep apnea treatment at Highland Advanced Dental Care will:
● Protect You From Premature Death – Sleep apnea side effects include an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity, depression, kidney disease, diabetes, and stroke. In fact, as many as 65 percent of stroke patients have sleep apnea!● Help You Sleep and Feel Better – Rest plays an important role in all your mental and physical functions. Once you begin getting the rest you need, your overall health will begin to improve. You’ll feel better than you have in ages! Plus, you’ll lower your risk for having a sleep-related car accident.● Keep You From Using an Intrusive CPAP – We can often help patients avoid a cumbersome CPAP. While effective, there is a low compliance rate with CPAP. Research shows that 75 percent of CPAP users dislike their machines or don’t wear them correctly. Whenever possible, Dr. LoCascio prefers to prescribe an oral appliance, which will reposition your jaw and enable you to sleep more comfortably.
Get the help you need with a simple oral appliance to live a healthier, longer life. Call (248) 887-8371 now to set up a free consultation appointment with Dr. LoCascio, a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) and the American Sleep and Breathing Academy (ASBA). He is also a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM).