Enjoy Peace of Mind With a Custom Mouthguard

Most of our patients are aware that they should visit us every six months for a routine dental exam and cleaning so that we can check for cavities. However, there are other good reasons why you should keep up with your regular checkups.

One of these is so that we can check for signs of other dental problems, including abnormal teeth wear. Many people aren’t aware that they grind their teeth while they sleep, which can lead to excessive wear and tear on your teeth enamel.

If we find evidence of teeth grinding, Dr. LoCascio can have a professional bruxism (teeth grinding) mouthguard made for you. It will fit comfortably in your mouth while you sleep, keeping your teeth apart and preventing damage that could require restorative or cosmetic dentistry to repair.

However, that’s not the only kind of mouthguard we offer at Highland Advanced Dental Care. If you or your child play sports, then you need to have a custom mouthguard made that will prevent dental damage that could end up ruining your smile.

Did you know that the American Dental Association says that athletes who don’t wear mouth protection are 60 times more likely to suffer a dental injury than those who do? Of course, most people are aware that football and hockey players should wear professional protection, but other sports can also wreak havoc on your smile.

Baseball and soccer are two prime examples. In fact, any sport in which there is a flying object involved or where there is frequent contact among players could potentially injure your teeth.

Our custom-fit mouthguards will provide superior protection over those you buy in a store. Plus, they will fit more comfortably since they’re made just for your or your child’s mouth. As different sports require different levels of protection, we can make a custom mouthguard for just about any sport out there.

A mouthguard from Highland Advanced Dental Care will also last longer, too. Not even the so-called boil-and-bite mouthguards will give you the same kind of performance as one that’s made just for you. That’s why you owe it to yourself to get the best protection possible.

When you need mouthguards in Milford, come see Dr. LoCascio and our team. Call us today at 248-329-3552 to schedule an appointment.